1 Chayote
4 oz. Radish
3 oz. Swiss Chard
1 oz. Honey
½ fl. oz. Soy Sauce
2 5/7 oz Barramundi Fillets
1 cup Crispy Rice Cereal
1 fl. oz. Egg Whites
2 tsp. Chopped Ginger
CONTAINS: eggs, fish (barramundi), soy

Also needed:
Olive Oil
Cooking Spray
Baking Sheet
3 Mixing Bowls
Large Non-Stick Pan

Prepare the Ingredients
Trim chayote ends and halve lengthwise. Use a spoon to scoop seed out of each half. Halve again and cut into ½” slices on an angle. Trim and quarter radishes. Stem Swiss chard. Trim stalks, cut stems into ½” slices on an angle, and coarsely chop leaves. Stir together honey and soy sauce in a small mixing bowl. Pat barramundi fillets dry.

Start the Vegetables
Place chayote, radishes, and Swiss chard stems on prepared baking sheet. Toss with 1 Tbsp. olive oil,
½ tsp. salt, and ¼ tsp. pepper and spread into a single layer. Roast until lightly browned and tender, 15-18 minutes. Vegetables will finish cooking in a later step. While vegetables roast, bread fish.

Bread the Fish
Place crispy rice in a medium mixing bowl and crush into a coarse powder. Place egg whites in another medium mixing bowl. Dip barramundi in egg whites, set on a plate, and season with both sides with ¼ tsp. salt and ¼ tsp. pepper. Place barramundi in bowl with crispy rice, coating completely. Shake off excess and place on a plate. Sprinkle remaining crispy rice on top of barramundi.

Plate the Dish
Place vegetables on a plate. Place barramundi next to vegetables. Drizzle honey-soy sauce over both

Cook the Fish
Place a large non-stick pan over medium heat. Add 2 Tbsp. olive oil and barramundi to hot pan. Cook until golden brown and barramundi reaches a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees, 3-4 minutes per side. Remove from burner.

Finish the Vegetables
Carefully, add Swiss chard leaves and ginger to baking sheet and toss to coat. Season with ¼ tsp. salt and spread into a single layer. Roast until leaves are wilted, 2-3 minutes.